Sustainability is the only way – Hospitality #fortheclimate

Inside the frame of COP27, which will be happening in Egypt between the 6th and 18th of November, I was invited to an event hosted by Coca Cola in collaboration with the Spanish Hospitality Organization to discuss sustainability and the different measures the hospitality sector, specially restaurants and bars, can take to help tackle this problem and transition to a more sustainability type of business.

Hospitalidad #porelclima (Hospitality #fortheclimate) initiative was born in 2017 through the partnership of Coca cola Spain and Ecodes. This year Spain will host a pavillion in COP27 were they will urge other actors to join on their fight for sustanability.

To find more information about this initiative and their efforts for a carbon zero hospitality: hosteleriaporelclima.

The panel discuss the different initiatives taking place and chef Begoña Rodrigo and Ricard Camarena gave us the restaurant perspective.

After the discussion, chefs Begoña Rodrigo (La Salita *) and Ricard Camarena (2* & 1green*) prepare some dishes focused in sustainable products with a strong presence of vegetables.

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